Exterior Wall Insulation

We offer Exterior Wall Insulation to All Property Types

Are you looking to give your property a complete makeover? Exterior Wall Insultation offers a hassle-free solution, requiring no maintenance. Put your property in a more attractive proposition when you come to sell with this cost-cutting, more environmentally friendly investment.

EcoSafeguard provide a personalised, custom made design service that allows you to select your own Colour Scheme and Render Finish Styles from our range of attractive options.

Exterior Insulation

Exterior Wall Insulation


Prevent damp
and mould
from taking hold

in your home

Increase fire

Private Residential Projects recently completed:

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01452 542 927

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Michael’s House Project Case


Michael and his wife have concluded that they want to bring their gas & electric bills down, but are struggling to do this as their house is always cold from heat-loss in their walls and they have to turn on the heating to feel comfortable in their home.


Exterior Wall Insulation retains the heat in your home, cutting costs and improves energy -efficiency. Michael has had this installed and is now satisfied knowing his energy costs have halved, he is doing his part for the environment and as a bonus, no more complains from his neighbours when his son plays his drums as the sound insulation has also improved!
